Engineer Your Own Luck
Companies that modularize and externalize their best capabilities are in a strong position to seize unexpected opportunities.
Mark J. Greeven, Howard Yu, and Jialu Shan
Top Strategy from MIT Sloan Management Review Middle East
Executing Strategy
Health Care Platforms Need a Strategy Overhaul
Marcus Holgersson, Joakim Björkdahl, Anna Essén, and Johan Frishammar
Business Models
Are Everywhere Stores the New Face of Retail?
David R. Bell, Santiago Gallino, and Antonio Moreno
More Strategy from MIT Sloan Management Review Middle East
Engineer Your Own Luck
Companies that modularize and externalize their best capabilities are in a strong position to seize unexpected opportunities.
Mark J. Greeven, Howard Yu, and Jialu Shan
Acing Value-Based Sales
To get the best returns on innovative products, collaborate with customers to define and share the commercial opportunity.
Marco Bertini, Oded Koenigsberg, and Todd Snelgrove
Executing Strategy
Would You Invite Employees to Vote on Strategic Direction?
Executives often fear that they’ll lose control and speed by engaging employees in strategic planning. But here’s a new playbook that works.
Alexander Loudon
Boards & Corporate Governance
One CISO Can’t Fill Your Board’s Cybersecurity Gaps
Adding a chief information security officer to a board is a popular move, but it’s not enough to improve cyber resilience. Learn how to raise an entire board’s security acumen.
Manuel Hepfer
How AT&T Employees Turned Process Gripes Into $230 Million Saved
AT&T found a way to help workers kill outdated processes and tools that wasted time, energy, and money — one drop at a time. Here’s how the approach works.
Jeremy Legg
Executing Strategy
Health Care Platforms Need a Strategy Overhaul
To succeed, digital health platforms must shift their approach in three key areas.
Marcus Holgersson, Joakim Björkdahl, Anna Essén, and Johan Frishammar
Firing the Right Customers Is Good Business
Not every customer is an asset to your company, but determining who to cull — and how — can be a challenge.
Carsten Pedersen and Thomas Ritter
Business Models
Are Everywhere Stores the New Face of Retail?
Omnichannel retailers can extend their customer engagement and logistics capabilities via nontraditional sales and fulfillment locations.
David R. Bell, Santiago Gallino, and Antonio Moreno
Developing Strategy
How Ghost Scenarios Haunt Strategy Execution
Strategic planners are often blind about how the future will challenge their status quo. A scenario-planning mindset can help them see what they’re missing.
Trudi Lang and Rafael Ramírez
Boards & Corporate Governance
Make Better Allies of Your Workforce
Leaders can avoid labor disputes and create value by improving communication with employees and including them in strategic decision-making.