Cloud Security Solutions Gain Prominence in MEA

According to Genetec, cloud, collaboration, and analytics will take center stage in 2024.

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  • [Image source: Pankaj Kirdatt/MITSMR Middle East]

    The Middle East and Africa (MEA) region increasingly embraces cloud security solutions, with the future for most physical security solutions appearing to blend on-premises and cloud-based solutions.

    Genetec’s 2024 State Physical Security report for MEA found that 40% of end users were leveraging cloud or hybrid solutions, and about 74% of channel partners expect to see increased demand for cloud and hybrid solutions. A hybrid approach is seen as optimal, with 60% of end users preferring a blend of on-premises and cloud deployments.

    The report found that 12% of MEA-based end-users stated that their organizations store video surveillance data locally and in the cloud, a notable increase from the 4% reported in last year’s survey.

    As organizations in the region embrace change and adapt to new ways of supporting customers in a dynamic landscape, combining hybrid cloud technology with what they have on-site allows them to respond to new business requirements promptly. 

    According to the report, the physical security industry is undergoing a transformative shift driven by technological advancements and evolving threats.

    Here are Genetec’s key predictions:

    Breaking Down of Silos

    Gone are the days of isolated teams. In 2024, collaboration between IT and physical security departments will be critical. This merger will yield numerous benefits, including more effective risk identification and response strategies and streamlined data sharing to create a holistic view of security postures, enabling informed decision-making.

    With IT spearheading security initiatives, cloud adoption will accelerate, offering scalability and centralized management.

    Modernizing Access Control 

    Many organizations will shift to a hybrid-cloud model and deploy cloud-ready access control solutions to ease upgrade complexities. Flexibility will be key, with systems readily integrating with diverse technologies such as building management and mobile credentials. Companies will break free from siloed video and access control systems to simplify management and reduce costs.

    Hybrid Solutions Fuel Growth 

    Genetec’s research has revealed that cloud adoption is surging, with 44% of organizations leveraging it for a quarter of their security deployments. This trend will continue, driven by plug-and-play appliances. These streamline access to cloud services and enhance computing power at the edge.

    There will be more focus on cloud data usage and associated costs. Users will increasingly use cloud-managed appliances to store heavy data such as video.

    Organizations will seek the expertise of channel partners to help maximize cloud investments and explore new use cases beyond security. These will pose recurring revenue opportunities for the channel partners, who can offer valuable services to help clients navigate cloud challenges.

    Companies to Extract Value from Data

    The market is seeing a surge in the availability of physical security devices and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) sensors. Organizations across various industries are eagerly adopting these technologies not only to increase the diversity of data in their security deployments but also to break down silos between systems and retrieve valuable information.

    Organizations that opt for an API-centric, open architecture and a unified approach will stand to gain the most over time. This will enable seamless data aggregation and analysis from multiple sources.

    As the amount of available data continues to rise, many organizations will also look for ways to digitize and automate their workflows to support their operators. As a result, demand for physical security solutions with embedded analytics, automation tools, and visual dashboards will grow.

    Keen to know how emerging technologies will impact your industry? MIT SMR Middle East will be hosting the second edition of NextTech Summit.


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